Public Health

Safeguarding public health by preventing the introduction of dangerous, epidemic and contagious diseases and ensuring that imported food and feed is safe for consumption.

Infectious Disease Control

River Tees Port Health Authority has a duty to respond to notifications of infectious disease arising from or within the port. The international health regulations address the multiple and varied health risks that face the world today, including new and re-emerging diseases. The Public Health (Ships) Regulations 1979 (as amended) implement the provisions of the international health regulations.

These regulations require the Master of every ship to notify the Port Health Authority of any incident or case on board a ship that may constitute a public health risk, including communicable diseases, chemical, biological and radiation threats. This is usually done by submission of a Maritime Declaration of Health form.

Public Health England has drawn up a local partnership agreement for the port health service to deal with any public health incidents at the port. The partners include the Primary Care Trust, the Acute Hospital Trust, UK Border Agency, and the Maritime and Coast Guard Agency.

The Authority will always work in close co-operation with the Port Medical Officer to provide advice and investigate infectious diseases and other matters of public health significance.

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RTPHA Notice of Audit and right to inspect
The Constitution June 2024